

2017-06-26 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)


美国驻华大使泰里·布兰斯塔德即将抵达北京。布兰斯塔德大使是美国历史上任职时间最长的州长,曾担任艾欧瓦州州长累计二十二年。 布兰斯塔德大使在6月21日指出,“对于来自艾欧瓦的一个农场的孩子来说,我人生的志向曾经是作为州长为人民服务。在我最大胆的梦里,我也从来没有设想过特朗普总统会让我在中国代表整个美利坚合众国。我会尽我最大的努力。在中华人民共和国代表美利坚合众国和特朗普总统,我感到荣幸和自豪。”在抵达之前,布兰斯塔德大使为中国人民录制了一段视频信息。请观看视频。

U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad will soon arrive in Beijing. Formerly the governor of Iowa, Ambassador Branstad is the longest-serving governor in American history having served a cumulative twenty-two years. Ambassador Branstad noted on June 21 that, “For a farm kid from Iowa, my life's ambition was to serve the people as governor.  I never imagined in my wildest dreams that President Trump would ask me to represent all of the United States of America in China.  I will do my very best. I am honored and proud to represent the United States of America and President Trump in the People's Republic of China.”  In advance of his arrival, Ambassador Branstad recorded a video message for the Chinese people. Watch it here.


